Who we are
We are a multicultural Church present in Halifax, West Yorkshire.
Our ministry had humble beginnings as we started with four members on March 7, 2010. God has expanded our reach and our ministry. We are currently over 100 members strong coming from various parts of west Yorkshire: Leeds, Shipley, Keighley, Wakefield & Bradford.
Our vision & mission has always been to reach the community with the love of Jesus Christ. We are a Bible founded church & we believe in the Triune God.
Along with our regular morning services, we frequently conduct several special meetings and healing services where invite special preachers, visiting pastors & evangelists to strengthen the church with God’s word. We have many testimonies to share of how God enabled people to overcome their struggles, weaknesses, difficulties, depression & addictions.
Our family fellowships, cottage meetings, children’s activities, fasting prayers & youth get-togethers have strengthened our church in unity and oneness. We would love for you to join us as we serve God as one body in Christ.

The vision of Elijah Good News Church is to reach the souls in the UK and around the world for JESUS. It is specially to reach multi-cultural and multi-lingual people beginning with Tamil & English language. The vision is mainly is to bring the nation to the kingdom of God, revealing His power by delivering people from bondages and diseases and bringing revival by making Jesus Christ our saviour known to his people. This ministry has been established is in Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK. People of God are most welcome to join us to serve the Lord.
Statement of Faith
1. We believe in the Divine Trinity of the Godhead proved by the facts in the Bible Scriptures, that there is ONE GOD the Father. ONE LORD Jesus Christ and ONE HOLY Ghost – thee separate persons in Divine Individuality and in Divine Plurality and they are spoken of as ONE LIVING GOD because of their perfect unity.
(I.Corinthians.8:6, Genesis.1:26; Isaiah 9:6, John 17:21-22)
2. We believe in the SON OF GOD who came in the incarnation of man as JESUS CHRIST the SON OF MAN to SERVE, SEEK and SAVE the mankind.
(1 Tim. 1:15, John 3:11-16, Mathew 1:21, Luke 19:10)
3. We believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, His spotless Holy Life, His Ministry and miracles on the Earth His teachings and Doctrines, His crucifixion and Death. His burial and resurrection, His Commission to His disciples and Ascension according to the statements in the four Gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles.
(Math 1:18, Luke 1:27-35, Isaiah 7:14, Mark 6:55-56, Acts 10:38, Luke 24:56, John 18:19-21; Acts 2:22-24)
4. We believe in the second-coming of the Lord Jesus Christ as mentioned in the scriptures.
(Zachariah 14:4, John. 14:1-3, Acts, 1:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Revelation 1:7)
5. We believe and practice the Born again experience of a True Christian believer, every believer immersion Baptism in Water according to Mathew. 28:19, the experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues and fellowship with the saints of God with in the Full Gospel Church and every believer’s Spiritual growth to the statute of Jesus Christ to meet the Lord Jesus when HE comes again to take up his Saints.
(Acts 3:20, 17:30; Mark 1:15-16, Mathew 28:19, John 3:16; Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:2-5, Act 1:8, John 3:5, Romans 8:9,13-15, John 16:13, Acts 2:1-11; Acts 10:44-48, Ephesians 4:11-15)
6. We believe and practice in the separated Holy Life of the Christian believer while on earth, by separating towards the untoward generations and by setting a good example to others both in his/her inward life and outward life proving that he/she is a New Creature in Christ.
(Romans 12:1-2, I Thessalonians. 5:23, I Corinthians 6:20, I John 2:15-17,)
7. We believe and practice the apostolic faith and Doctrine of the word of God and apostolic fellowship and communion and administering of the Lord ’s Supper with breaking of unleavened bread with new wine.
(Acts 2:41-42, Hebrews 10:24-25, Luke 22:15-22; Mathew 26:26-29, I Corinthians 11:23-25)
8. We believe on the Divine Healing of the Lord by his Power and his precious blood and Virtue of healing the sick from all kinds of Sickness and powers of Darkness and Satan. “By His stripes we are healed”.
(Isaiah 53:5, I Peter 2:24, Acts 10:38, Acts 5:15-16, James 5:14-16)
9. We believe and practice that on all circumstances the Christian Believer should do only the Will of God keeping himself/herself in the centre of God’s will in fervent prayer and in close fellowship with God and should do the Lord’s ministry by proclaiming the pure Full Gospel Truth unto others and by winning souls for God’s Kingdom.
(Mathew 7:21-22, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 5:10-17, I Thessalonians. 4:3-7, Colossians 3:1, I Thessalonians 5:17-18, Ephesians 6:8)
10. We believe in the 7 years of Tribulation period. The Millennial (1000 years) Reign of the Lord JESUS CHRIST as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords with His Saints in his kingdom on the earth. We believe in the white Throne Judgement and the Eternal Heaven and the Eternal hell.
(Revelation 20:1-7, Daniel 2:35-44, Daniel 9:24-27 & 12th chapter, Revelation 20:11, Mathew 19:28, Mathew 25:46, Romans 6:23, Revelation 20:14:8, Mark 9:44-48)